Marketing Qualified Leads

(Let your marketing efforts cross the front line.)

We think right Buyer is a key and we do understand the significance and how important B2B marketing qualified leads are for almost all tech / non tech companies to grab new opportunities.

Content Syndication

Content syndication would be one of the most best & effective practice to leverage your investment in white papers, Webcasts, Seminars, case studies, analyst reports by making those documents instantly available to billions of technology buyers looking for information or solution related to business problem that your product solves.

Time is all, what is important today . This practice will place your content right in front of the genuine audience in a very less time and effectively which would be worth enough for you to what you are paying for .
Our expert skilled professionals analyze the market situation and draw a plan with a unique technique that will help you to make your campaign successful.


Events Registration

Now a day’s event promotion is happening in many ways to connect and communicate with right audience in real time.  It’s flexible to host live events whether its schedule or unscheduled online webinars or conferences.   

           We customized the processes to execute your programs to deliver you highly verified, quality results. Our high ratio of registrants participation will get you to high ROI for your events.

          We are confident enough to increase your reach to right audience for your events, So let’s get this done.


Account Profiling

Based on our account profile report and contacts discovery lists, we keep your sales management team informed of the right prospects, addressing their business challenges and delivering new business openings allowing them to sell more efficiently and successfully.

This Account Profiling Practice gives you the opportunity to gain in depth understanding on how a potential customer operates, how they are structured, who are the key decision makers, their decision making process, who they currently purchase from as well as their future plans.

This Practice can help you discover :-

  • Key decision makers in selecting and approving vendors.
  • On-going contracts with vendors.
  • Grievances and pain points.
  • Financial overview of the Company.
  • Supplier Relationships.
  • IT strategy and landscape.